Thursday, May 26, 2011


Malabsorption occurs when the body is not able to absorb nutrients from food properly, during the digestive process. 

The process of digestion involves mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are absorbed into the blood stream. In case of Malabsorption, the process is disturbed; the nutrients are not properly absorbed, rather excreted. 

Malabsorption can be temporary or long-lasting. Temporary Malabsorption is caused by vomiting or diarrhea and it obstructs proper absorption of nutrients. Temporary Malabsorption does not last long and diminishes when the underlying disease gets resolved. 

The long-lasting Malabsorption stays longer and is certainly a cause of concern. You should visit a health care professional to get it resolved.

Malabsorption may lead to malnutrition and various deficiencies, and it affects the gastrointestinal system and also the growth of the body.

Malabsorption can be caused by infective agents such as Parasites, Intestinal tuberculosis, Whipple's disease, Tropical sprue, and HIV related Malabsorption.

Malabsorption can be caused by structural defects such as obstruction of the intestine, inflammatory bowel disease, fistulae, infiltrative condition, etc.

Malabsorption can also be caused by mucosal abnormality such as milk intolerance, whether cow's milk or Soya milk, coeliac disease, or fructose Malabsorption.

Enzyme deficiencies and digestive failures are also some of the major causes of Malabsorption.

Treatment of Malabsorption is mainly managing the underlying cause. Nutrients, electrolytes and fluids are replaced. Enzymes are supplemented orally, and dietary modifications are necessary in most cases.

Brian Yusem is a Naturopathic Physician with over 10 years of experience, helping people with various disorders and dysfunctions, at his nutritional coaching & counseling facility - SmartLife MD. For information you can visit his website at:

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